Arch Linux is a great distribution for a programming environment and there is an Arch AMI for Amazon EC2. I choose to run it on a Large EC2 instance in Tokyo, I downloaded the generated key-pair and copied its public domain name.

Connecting to the instance

The EC2 security group needs to be setup to allow inbound requests to port 22 for SSH.

The key-pair is used to SSH into the instance as root. The permissions on the key file must be set so only the owner can read it. I also move keys to my ~/.ssh directory.

$ mv ~/Downloads/mykey.pem ~/.ssh/
$ chmod 400 ~/.ssh/mykey.pem

SSH into the public name using the key.

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem root@[ec2-instance-name]
[root@ip-xx-xxx-xx-xx ~]$

Update the system

Firstly the system should be updated with the Arch Linux package management tool.

[root@ec2]$ pacman -Syyu

It asked me something about a dependency conflict, I said yes. Things seem to be fine.

Creating users

adduser is an interactive tool which prompts for new user information and provides defaults where possible. A username and the defaults are fine for now. User passwords can be set with passwd

Great, users for everyone.

Allowing users remote access

The SSH configuration doesn't allow for plain text passwords sent through the tunnel. This can be allowed by updating /etc/ssh/sshd_config and setting PasswordAuthentication to yes. But SSH keys are better, use them.

The SSH daemon checks for the key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Put the users public key there.

[root@ec2]$ mkdir /home/username/.ssh
[root@ec2]$ mv pub-key /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys

The user can now login, the -i flag can be used if the default key is not used.

$ ssh username@[ec2-instance-name]

All users are not equal

Privileged users should be allowed to perform actions as the root user. This can be done by giving permission to the wheel group and then adding users to the group.

These rules are in /etc/sudoers, because the file is important there is a tool called visudo which checks for syntax errors before saving.

[root@ec2]$ visudo

The line that allows the wheel group to perform actions as the root needs to be uncommented.

%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

We can then add users we trust to the wheel group.

[root@ec2]$ gpasswd username wheel

The sudo package needs to be installed at sometime.

[root@ec2]$ pacman -S sudo

Prevent root login

Now a user can connect and perform actions as root, we can prevent logging in remotely as root. To do this we update /etc/ssh/sshd_config and set PermitRootLogin to no. We need to restart the SSH process for this to take effect.

[tarn@ec2]$ rc.d restart sshd

Install some development tools system wide

We will need heaps more, but here are some to get us started.

[tarn@ec2]$ sudo pacman -S vim git screen gcc erlang \
               python mono openjdk6 nodejs v8 patch \
               curl zlib readline libxml2 libxslt \
               autoconf automake diffutils make \
               libtool bison subversion

Installing packages requires root access as the packages install system wide, only users with permission to sudo will be permitted to do it.

Multiuser Screen

To share a screen process, one user starts screen passing a socket name

[person1@ec2]$ screen -S hack-session

They then must enable multiuser by invoking screen with CTRL-a and typing

:multiuser on

Finally they must explictly allow a user, again by invoke screen with CTRL-a.

:acladd person2

The user person2 can now attach to the screen session

[person2@ec2]$ screen -x person1/hack-session

You can then even split your screen CTRL-S and share two shells, perhaps Vim and a REPL? Awesome.

Note: When you allow someone to connect to your screen process you are effectively giving them permission to run as you. Unless you want to remotely pair on system administration, create an un-privleged user and use that to share a screen process.

Build it and they will come

With a shared remote programming environment I'll be able to pair with people I wouldn't otherwise. I'm nervious about pairing with programmers I know are awesome, but I also know it's a great way to learn, so lets bring it!
