The slides and demo I'll show in my NoSql presentation for tomorrows DevEvenings Melbourne ORM Smackdown. I hope to take the time and write a more considered post of my findings and opinions as I've found it very interesting.

Here is a link to the slides.

First I'll use some Python and the PyMongo module to connect to MongoDB, list databases, insert documents and get them out again.

Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec  7 2009, 18:45:15)
[GCC 4.4.1] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pymongo import Connection
>>> connection = Connection()
>>> connection.database_names()
[u'files', u'working', u'demo', u'downloads', u'posts', u'local',u'admin']
>>> db = connection.demo
>>> import datetime
>>> db.messages.insert( { 'author' : 'tarn', 'date':,'message' : 'Hello Mongo' } )
>>> db.messages.find_one()
{u'date': datetime.datetime(2010, 4, 7, 19, 10, 6, 355000),
 u'message': u'Hello Mongo',
 u'_id': ObjectId('4bbc4beec73d721445000003'),
 u'author': u'tarn'}

Then have a look at some content I have in the database

>>> db = connection.working
>>> db.posts.count()
>>> for post in db.posts.find()[:5]:
...     print post["date"],post["title"],"by",post["author"]
2010-01-25 18:06:00 Python Silverlight/Moonlight 2 Xapping by tarn
2010-03-12 13:53:00 Devevenings Presentation - IOC/Unit Testing/Mocking in ASP.NET MVC by tarn
2010-02-17 19:25:00 Revisiting Modal Binding an Interface, now with DictionaryAdapterFactory by tarn
2009-12-02 18:35:00 Creating Silverlight apps in the browser by tarn
2009-10-02 23:08:00 infoDose #43 (11th September - 22nd September) by brodie

File storage using the GridFS class from the gridfs module. Show some files and then write a file out to the file system.

>>> from gridfs import GridFS
>>> fs = GridFS(connection.files)
>>> len(fs.list())
>>> for file in fs.list()[:5]:
...     print file
>>> with open('image.png','w') as out_file:
...     with'post/debugging-ironpython-with-my-excalibur/image.png') as in_file:
...             out_file.write(

Now to some C# (mono) and a controller class for a basic web application to view the data. It serves files found in the database, but only sends bach the correct MIME type for "image/png". Lazy.

public class HomeController : Controller
    BlogRepository _blogRepository;

    public HomeController()
        _blogRepository = new BlogRepository();

    public ActionResult Index ()
        ViewData["posts"] = _blogRepository.GetPosts();
        return View ();

    public ActionResult Entry(string id)
        ViewData["post"] = _blogRepository.GetById(id);
        return View ();

    public ActionResult Resource(string slug, string fileName)
        return new FileStreamResult(_blogRepository.GetFile( "post/" + slug + "/" + fileName ), "image/png");

This is a very basic repository that provides the data for the demo application. I did only enough with the C# provider to get it working and try to disconnect my connections.

public class BlogRepository
    Mongo _mongo;

    public BlogRepository()
        string connstr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["connectionString"];
        _mongo = new Mongo(connstr);

    public Stream GetFile(string name)
            var db = _mongo["files"];
            var fs = new GridFile(db);
            Stream data = fs.Open(name, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            Stream output = new MemoryStream();
            return output;

    public List<Document> GetPosts()
            var db = _mongo["working"];
            var posts = db["posts"];
            using(ICursor all = posts.Find(new Document())){
                return all.Documents.ToList();

    public Document GetById(string id)
            var db = _mongo["working"];
            var posts = db["posts"];
            Document doc = posts.FindOne( new Document() {{ "_id" , new Oid(id) }} );
            return doc;

    public static void CopyStream(Stream input, Stream output)
        byte[] buffer = new byte[32768];
        while (true)
            int read = input.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            if (read <= 0)
            output.Write (buffer, 0, read);

So that's where I got for my demo for the DevEvenings ORM Smackdown. No doubt I will continue looking into MongoDB and other object/document databases.